Sustainable Office Relocation: Recycling Tips for Common Items
Only one thing is constant, and that’s change! This change could affect an office and company, and they’ll be required to move to another location. This relocation could be because of many reasons, including business growth and expansion. There’d be a need to get rid of some supplies and replace them with new and better ones in such a situation. However, rather than jam-packing them in a disposal truck, you could try some eco-friendly activity like RECYCLING.
Recycling items found in the office while moving is way better than disposing of them without considering resourceful ways to do that. When you gather these items, you could make cool cash from what you think leftovers. Here, you’ll find out some things that you could recycle rather than throwing them out.

Below are some simple items you can find when moving an office. Look out for these, as they are worth more than being in the dump yard. Here;
The furniture that you would ordinarily throw out when moving could be recycled. Such furniture in your office could include filing cabinets, shelves, lamps, cubicle dividers, or desks. This will be a good idea if they are made from metals.
You can recycle metal filing cabinets made from aluminum, iron, steel, and other alloys. This furniture is most likely to be accepted at the scrap metal collection slough. Meanwhile, other furniture like chairs and shelves that may be made from a mixture of two materials could still be accepted but won’t be as valuable as those made from pure metals. You cannot be considering office recycling without thinking about office computers(laptops and desktops). Computers are made up of many components(motherboards, cables, integrated circuits) that can be recycled into new products. Scrapping old computers helps in preventing the dumping of harmful items in landfills. But before sending your old computers to the computer recyclers, ensure that you obtain all relevant information in it. If you can’t do that, ensure that you already have a data backup to fall back on. Also, ensure you follow the proper office protocols on data disposal.
Office Move Recycling: Make Money and Protect the Environment
When clearing out the office cabinets, shelves, or drawers, you may find some old supplies that are no longer useful. These items like staples, paper clips, thumb pins, or binders could be made of metals(mostly steel and aluminum). This means recyclers will accept them.
There are other larger supplies like the scissors and staplers that are also metallic. It would be best not to throw them into the trash because they are smaller than other items. You could still make some money from them and also contribute to keeping the environment safe.
Most offices have a big box of electronic cables and cords that have remained untouched over a long time. Moving from one location to another allows you to discover them and finally let them go. These cables to be copper wires which give the best money when scrapping. It’s not a good idea to leave your wealth lying untouched. Send them out for recycling and get good returns.
As the years go by, office equipment reduces in size and becomes leaner. Office electronic like faxes and printers are used less often than usual. Even the landlines have become old-fashioned. You’ll need to get them out and replace them with modern equipment. It would help if you took them to the scrapyards rather than dumping them in landfills. This is safer and more resourceful.
I know you can find these items in your office. So, why don’t you recycle them when moving? This is better and allows you to make money from your leftovers. Meanwhile, ensure that you take them to a reliable scrap metal collection slough to get the best values for your scrap.